
Wednesday, October 22, 2025

Got Motivation? The Self Help Tips You Need to Get It and Keep It!

How many times have you said you wanted something, started taking steps to get it and then stopped? Often the biggest obstacle we have in getting the things we want is the simple act of being motivated. If this is true, and we think it is, then it's very important to figure out how to get and stay motivated. To do this, let's first look at the dictionary definition of the word motivate.
To provide with an incentive; move to action; impel.

And then if we look at the word origin & history of the word motivate, we find this:
1885, "to stimulate toward action," from motive (q.v.), perhaps modeled on Fr. motiver or Ger. motivieren. Motivation first recorded 1873; the psychological sense of "inner or social stimulus for an action" is from 1904.

So what dose that all tell us? To begin with, that in order to be motivated we must find an incentive-- something that stimulates us to move into action. How do you know that you don't have an incentive? We can tell that we have no motivation when staying focused and finishing the things we start become insurmountable challenges. If this sounds familiar, relax... you're not alone.

The good news is that there are simple steps you can take right away that will put self help motivation in place in your life. This motivation will immediately start you down the path to getting more of what you want and less of what you don't.
Tip number 1. Do you really want it? Always check your motives behind what you want.
Ask the question: Do I really want this thing? An easy way to find out is to use a scale, on a scale from one to 10, with one being not at all and 10 being I can't live without it how much do you want it?

If your score falls below and eight re-think this goal. Perhaps it's something someone else wants for you. Maybe you think it's a good idea but it really doesn't work well with your prefer lifestyle.
If you score an eight or higher, then it's time to dig deeper. Go onto tip number two.

Tip number 2. Why do I want it? Dig underneath what you say you want to discover your intrinsic motivation.

What's most important to you--the things you deeply value--are what will sustain your motivation like nothing else. Ask yourself questions such as: what's so important to me that has me want this goal in the first place?

Or what will I experience if I achieve this goal?

These types of questions will get you to the underlying importance of your goal. Any time you feel a sense of discouragement, or lack of motivation, simply get back in touch with your underlying reasons.

Tip number 3. What are you willing to do to get it? Remember the definition of motivate is: To provide with an incentive; move to action. Without action not much happens.

So the next thing to do is to clearly define your goal--what do you want to achieve and by when?

Did you feel any resistance or concern when you heard us say that? If so, there's an exercise in one of our blog posts, How to Really Achieve Your Dreams that breaks any goal down into small manageable pieces. Find it by going to:

As you put these suggestions in place in your life you will begin to notice your things shifting for the better. Any time you want something, remember first to identify whether you really want it or not, then give your self a little help by identifying your internal motivation and last but not least, get in action!

If you're ready for more tips on self help motivation and other personal growth and relationship building skills, sign up for our free weekly action tips at:

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